Alex Sheridan

Property News

Cut the cost of card protection

A free online tool aims to help reduce the hassle of cancelling lost and stolen credit and other cards.
9 Nov 2013
Property News

Playing the 0-per-cent game

Still in debt from Christmas? Switching your debt to a nought per cent card could save up to hundreds of pounds in interest charges
9 Nov 2013
Property News

Students and their money

London remains the most expensive place in the UK to be a university student, underlining the value of seeking out savings wherever possible
9 Nov 2013
Property News

Benefit charity in your will

London solicitors are offering to draw up wills for free in return for a donation to charity as part of the annual Will Aid campaign
9 Nov 2013
Property News

Keep tax down

With the 31 January deadline for filing 2008-9 tax returns fast approaching, landlords and the self-employed can cut their tax bills with a range of property expenses
9 Nov 2013
Property News

How to escape budget hikes

Next month’s emergency Budget holds threats for, among others, buy-to-let landlords and second-home owners
9 Nov 2013
Property News

Letting a room to a lodger

Households across the UK have taken in an extra 600,000 lodgers in the past year to help pay the bills
9 Nov 2013
Property News

Recycle with give and take

A number of websites are building community spirit and encouraging recycling in the capital by listing local people who have goods they will lend out at no charge, or give away
9 Nov 2013
Property News

Gardening on the cheap

The £250,000 typically spent on a garden for Chelsea Flower Show may be beyond most household budgets. But stay-at-home Britons are expected to shell out £420 on average to improve their own outside space. For the cost-conscious, seed- and plant-swapping websites can offer a helping hand for little more than the price of postage.
9 Nov 2013
Property News

Best deals on tax-free ISAs

Savers have less than three weeks to use their Isa allowances before the end of the tax year on 5 April; those who have already taken out a tax-free account for 2009/10 should also consider switching older Isas to improve returns
9 Nov 2013
Property News

Offsetting your mortgage

With the base rate at 0.5 per cent for a year, offset mortgages are a tax-efficient way to squeeze more value from savings
9 Nov 2013
Property News

Protect against fuel price hikes

Worried about the rising cost of petrol or home heating oil? A new "risk management" service offers protection against price hikes
9 Nov 2013
Property News

Comparing the comparison sites

If it is big-ticket bargains in homeware you are after, then there are a number of money -saving and price comparison sites you should know about that will save you time and money
9 Nov 2013
Property News

£400 to scrap your old boiler

Hurry if you want the £400 off a new boiler under the boiler scrappage scheme: four million homes could qualify but there is only enough cash for 125,000, so you have to register early
9 Nov 2013
Property News

Keep mortgage costs down

Many thousands of existing borrowers will see their standard variable rates (SVRs) rise, brokers predict. Lenders can change their SVRs at any time, and some have already increased them. More attractive remortgage deals are emerging which could offer savings of hundreds of pounds a month
9 Nov 2013
Property News

Credit-crunch Christmas

Credit cards generally give a few weeks to clear the bill for new purchases before starting to charge interest - but some offer interest-free for up to a year: a great help at Christmas
9 Nov 2013
Property News

How to avoid stamp duty

There are a surprising number of loopholes in stamp duty rules that allow more people than just first-time buyers (FTBs) to benefit from the recent abolition of the duty on properties sold for less than £250,000.
9 Nov 2013
Property News

Letting your parking space

London homes with off-street parking can earn hundreds of pounds a month letting the space
9 Nov 2013
Property News

More tax-free interest on savings

Millions of savers aged 50 or over can earn extra tax-free interest from next week, following an increase to Individual Savings Account (ISA) limits
9 Nov 2013
Property News

Beat the 0870 phone rip-offs

Packages that include 0870 and 0845 codes for free could take a welcome slice off your monthly bill
9 Nov 2013
Property News

How to get cash back when you spend

Credit cards that offer cashback pay shoppers when they spend on their plastic
9 Nov 2013